Wednesday, September 30, 2009

After 4 months..

Hey peeps! After a long blog hiatus... I am finally back with some stories to tell. And what differentiates my stories with the normal ones out there? Glad you asked! Here, a story is never good enough if there's not enough juice to spill.


After being gone from his hometown, the Big A has finally went back after one semester.
Yes and so goes the normal casual meetings with the family and relatives. O how kids grow so fast these days. ( And yet im complaining that my days go slow )
S and Little S has grown up. And yes! Little can finnaly talk. And its so cute! Except when she getss pissed off and says.."Get outta my face". Looks like Little S could do with some discipline there.

And what are semester breaks without friends huh? Well. It did not went well this time for The Big A with The General and The Captain. Awkwardness is abound especially when both of them is around. Wait a second... Did we all miss something.
It seems that The Captain is sick and tired of The Generals extrovert attitude. Why? Did something go wrong.... Even The Big A is too aloof to ask "why?" to avoid looking like such a gossipaholic busy body. Nobody likes being labeled as such, but who cares?

It stands clear that something went wrong between the two but the weird thing here is that both the laatter are acting as if nothiing is going on. So in the long run, when The Big A and everyone in the Blank_O team gathers (excluding K off course), its hard to connverse because someone has to build a bridge in between The General And The Captain. So.. How do you fix something that is not broken? Or in this case.. "cracked" slightly.

Where is K btw?

well.. K is still back in the city. Speaking of K. It looks like somebody has finally woken up from her "arabian fantasy".... She finally broke off with that no good fucktard of hers. Not only are they not compatible religion wise. But, they're just not compatible at all. You hear me? AT ALL!

C'mon K. Everyone knew that both you and Mr. Arabian Night, or "Nights" have some kindda thing going on. (Even though both of you tried to remain neutral about each others feelings). Where there's smoke, there's always bound to be a fire. And you're smoke is coming from every single corner of your bedroom!

Now, all is well, minus some heavily torched feelings and memories.

K.. you dont have to be sorry for yourself that you did not tell The Big A everything. He's got people around that tells him. He just needed the words to come from you. Little did he expect you running to him looking for assurance after you crashed and burned. It's really good to know that the real K is back. We forgive you K! And stop feeling so low all the time. You need to pick and glam yourself up. Show him who's the BIG CRAZY BITCH!!!

Dont play with Fire... Arabian Fire that is...

Better Watch Your Back!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Fun Day Out and about in the city...

Spotted!: K, Tim, and The Big A Was seen having lunch at Chillis KLCC.

It was a very nice lunch! Said The big A when he came back after a whole day in the city!
Apparently, it was an advanced Birthday Celebration for K.
who turns 21 on the 09.09.09.
Happy Birthday K!
What a very nice date indeed to turn 21!

Time was spent scavenging for good perfumes that K was interested in.
And she decided to stick with...

While for the Big A...
It was between...

And yes....
The D&G is a new collection from the Dolce and Gabbana
Anthology series.


But still I would consider..


Happy Birthday K!

P/s The big A Told me it was nice to finally see Tim again.
And to K's birthday together was awesome.